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"build it and they will come"

"Build it and they will come" is a phrase that suggests that if you create something of value, people will naturally be attracted to it and use it. This phrase is often used to encourage people to pursue their dreams and not worry about whether or not others will support or appreciate their efforts.

The idea behind this phrase is that if you put in the hard work to create something that has value and is worth sharing, people will naturally be drawn to it. This phrase is often attributed to the 1989 film "Field of Dreams," in which the main character, an Iowa farmer, builds a baseball diamond in his cornfield after hearing a voice saying "If you build it, he will come."

The phrase has since become a popular way of expressing the idea that if you put in the effort to create something, success will naturally follow. However, it's important to note that this phrase is not a guarantee of success and that there are many other factors that can impact whether or not a project or venture is successful.

This phrase is often attributed to the 1989 film "Field of Dreams," in which the main character, an Iowa farmer, builds a baseball diamond in his cornfield after hearing a voice saying "If you build it, he will come." The phrase has since become a popular way of expressing the idea that if you put in the effort to create something, success will naturally follow. However, it's important to note that this phrase is not a guarantee of success and that there are many other factors that can impact whether or not a project or venture is successful.

In addition to being used as a motivational phrase, this phrase is also often used more broadly to describe the idea that if you create something that meets a need or fulfills a desire, people will naturally be drawn to it. This concept is often used in business and marketing, as companies try to create products or services that will be attractive to potential customers.

Overall, "build it and they will come" is a phrase that encourages people to pursue their dreams and to believe in the value of their creations, while also recognizing that success is not guaranteed and that there are many other factors that can impact the outcome of a project or venture.

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