4x4 adventure to El Calafate balcony
Total distance travelled: 15 km . Departing from El Calafate, we will go up to 1,100 metres above sea level. Through the east side of Huyliche Range, we will reach the balcony, where we will enjoy a panoramic view of Argentino Lake, El Calafate, Chaltén Hill, and Torre Hill, then we will reach the stone labyrinth at Anita Country Estate, a Cretaceous formation which is 85 million years old. Then we will go down to La Piedra de los Sombreros (The Hats Stone.) Return to El Calafate.
Soak up the essence of Patagonia with an exciting 4x4 adventure to El Calafate Balcony.
English and Spanish
Starting point: ADDRESS - location.Description, Calafate, Argentina - (Longitude: 0,000000, Latitude: 0,000000)
Ending point: Same - Same as Starting Point